There were Americaunas, Light Brahmas, Jersey Giants, Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorops, and probably a few others. I started my selection by picking 3 Buffs. When I selected the "4th" one, to round out my flock, I was told, "That's an Americauna." At this point I could have stopped, put the Americauna back, and selected a different one. But did I do that? Nope! I then picked out another Americauna to go with the first one, then another Buff. That, technically, was all I had planned on. Oh, but how plans change, especially when it comes to chickens. lol
Next I saw a teeny, tiny little Light Brahma. I was like, "I want her, too." and into my box she went. She was followed by 2 more. And then I saw a cute Rhode Island Red and plucked her up and into the box. Plus 2 more, to make it an even dozen. So much for "just 4 or 6"!
Here they are, boxed up and about to begin their journey to the farm.
Keep in mind, while we live on a farm, we do NOT have a chicken coop. Or a brooder pen. What we did have were some inside rabbit pens, and that's where I put the peeps. They started in the basement, but I wanted to spend time with them and running to the basement every few minutes quickly became tiring. lol Since I spend most of my house time in the den, I put the pen on my sewing table (packing up my serger and sewing machine, without even a twinge of guilt). I was in love!
A few random shots, a few days old.
Life is great! :-)
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