Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Coop

The coop is pretty much done.  I still have to do something about the gap at the roof, but it's been fun doing a bit of decorating.  These are cell phone pictures, so not the best, but it's beginning to look like fall. :-)

I added a small porch, some pumpkins and gourds, and then a porch railing.  The cute little signs came from a promotion by Purina.  Buy a bag of chicken feed get a free sign. :-)  I think they're awesome!  I still have ideas in my head on what I want to add to it (like a fall wreath on the door).  But they seem to like it, the little bit of time they spend actually in it. lol

For those that are curious, here is my "chicken section" of the farm.  When it's raining or snowing, they never have to go out in the weather.  They spend 90% of their time in the bottom of the main barn (with the horses).  They really love it when the horses spill bits of grain and they can clean it up.  Plus the manure...they really seem to love scratching through the manure pile!  When I'm done building and get the rest of those rabbit cages sold, I can clean the back part up.  

Some random pictures

The girls are growing and should be laying in just a few more weeks.  To say I'm excited about that is a big understatement. lol

I've been spending every evening, and most mornings, just sitting while they do their chicken stuff.  My favorite hen, by far, is Bonita.  The second she hears me coming, she comes running/flapping to me.  The second I sit down, she's on my lap.  They all have different personalities.  My friendliest are the Orpingtons and the light Brahmas.  The most standoffish are the Americauna and the Easter Egger, but the Rhode Island Reds aren't in front of them by much.

Professor Snape is actually coming over to me, as is Effie.  Glimmer and Spice, when they're the only two around, come over.  But I wonder how much of it is that they don't trust me and how much is because the light Brahmas and the Orpingtons keep them at a distance.

All of the girls tuck themselves into bed every evening.  What I don't know is where Professor Snape sleeps.  He's NEVER gone to bed with the girls, and I think he's hiding under the coop.  Some evening I'll have to take a flashlight out and try to find him.

Anyway, here are some random pictures of the Nuggets. :-)